How my journey began

2007 - 2013

My fascination with animals and their behavior has been a constant throughout my life. When I moved to Florida from New York in 2007, I found a job at a large dog daycare. The play area with 30+ dogs quickly became my happy place and I would sometimes spend 8+ hours in there. I was able to study how dogs of all ages and breeds interacted and communicated with each other. I stayed with the daycare for 6 years where I was everything from Apprentice Trainer, Shift Manager, Grooming Helper and Concierge. 


In 2013 it was time for me to test all the skills I had acquired and go out on my own. I was approached by a couple who had a building, a goal of opening a dog daycare to benefit and help the rescue dog community but very little idea of how to run one. I dove right in and partnered. I would be GM, Head Trainer and everything inbetween. We started from scratch and built a successful business that really felt apart of the community. Some things I'm most proud of: we gave a portion of our profits to a rescue foundations, I helped set up enrichment programs (play groups) for local animal control facilities and we always had a foster dog on site that I would train and use our resources to find a forever home.

2016 - Present

I found myself pulled in too many directions and really wanted to focus on just training dogs and their people. I consider myself a balanced trainer, although I hesitate to put myself into any kind of box. I focus on being fair to the dog, providing the clearest information I can and at the same time listening to the dog. Communication is a two way street and I understand each dog is an individual. Im extremely flexible and willing to adjust my training to whatever is going to be best for this specific dog.